While we are exclusively a platform for political journalism, we do not limit ourselves to a narrow definition of what can be considered political. We welcome topics ranging from art and culture to technology or social justice. What we don’t want are clichés, rants or random thoughts. Stanford Politics is not meant to be a platform for re-publishing class papers. That said, we welcome strong, provocative writing backed by insightful analysis, original reporting or personal experience, and pitches can, of course, be inspired by academic work you have done.
We are a non-partisan publication, which does not mean that what we publish cannot be ideological, but rather means we welcome perspectives from anywhere on the political spectrum. Stanford Politics aspires to illuminate important issues that people may not be aware of, contribute new and unique ideas to existing discussions or debates and provide thought-provoking challenges to, or critiques of, conventional wisdom.
It is important to note that all of our articles are exclusive, and we only publish writing by Stanford affiliates. If you are an undergrad or grad student, that’s perfect! If you’re an alum, a professor or a resident of the local community, that also works — we will just label your article as an op-ed. Our exclusivity policy means that we won’t republish content already published elsewhere, and, likewise, our content cannot be republished elsewhere without the explicit, written consent of our editor in chief.
To pitch an article idea, send an email to editor@stanfordpolitics.org.
Make sure your pitch is about a paragraph long and definitely no longer than a few paragraphs. We don’t want you to write an entire article before an editor can give feedback on the idea.